The conditions don't get much better then here in Brazil for freestyle/wakestyle kiteboarding! Warm and windy everyday, multiple flat water lagoons and nice kickers as well if you go search for them! The main lagoon in Taiba was closed to the ocean (which is good making it non tidal) and has been growing daily... perfect!!! It's only a one minute down winder from our house or a couple minutes to drive so we've been spending a LOT of time down there! The 2012 Liquid Force gear is working great and looks amazing lit up by the by the blazing Brazilian sun! I'm on the Envy and DLX again and couldn't be more stoked with the gear for this year!

By the end of the first week everyone was already on there game, dust was brushed off and it was on! After a couple weeks a shreding everyday a few more friends rolled into town and we now had a mob of kiters wherever we were riding! Dave Drinkwater, Brian "BCS" Smith, Kris Kinn and Lia Feriancek were the new editions to the crew!
The level in the lagoon is getting pushed everyday! Lots of new tricks being tossed by everyone and Josh is out there logging footy day in and day out! Watch out for some sick edits coming out of this trip and lots of photos in coming issues for sure!
Liquid Force team mate James Boulding dropped into town for a few days to ride and chill before he had to dip out to the south for some film work shooting a surf event. James, Brandon and I spent about 4 hours at the lagoon that day and it's crazy how well it came out! Steeze Productions is really not messing around! 3,ooo hits in 3 hours and it's almost at 10,000 hits after 3 days days! Will definitely be interesting to see what we could do in the future with a few weeks of filming with James...
Couple days after we shot the Taiba Trick Attack we headed north on a road trip to Ilha du Gurajuaru! Pretty cool spot but not the flat water haven I was expecting... Sounds like were going to grab a buggy and do some exploring up and down the coast from the main spot where apparently there are a bunch of nice flat water spots and river mouths! Will definitely be updating this again soon... Have 3 more weeks in Brazil so check back soon!