Wind Or No Wind 2010... what a blur! All I can say is Morris and Governor L-Ray know how to put on a proper event and throw some mega parties! Everyone had a blast and the level of progression went through the roof! Being able to wake up and just take a short walk to go shred the best cable park in the world or take a set on the System 2.0 winch park helped take everyones riding to the next level! Now we just have to take all this cable knowledge and drop it into kiting! The two sports are so similar with only a few differences. With a cable or System 2.0 you have the advantage from the consistency of pull and the features always being ready but with kiteboarding you have your own personal cable and you don't need to walk back to the start dock! Other than that were doing a lot of similar stuff and with events like this the sports can really feed off each other and grow at a faster pace!

Wind Or No Wind 2010 offically has put it's stamp on the kiteboarding industry and is now a world class event that nobody will want to miss! Having a full sized kite park, world class cable park, boat lake, 7 System 2.0's, cheap food and booze and $10 hour long massages, the CWC in Camsur is a hard venue to beat!

And the event organizers and all the riders took full advantage of having the chance to be here! Logging massive amounts of riding while the media crew buzzed around in the chopper! One thing that's for sure is there will be no shortage of footage coming out of this event! The amount of media was crazy, not one minute went by without being fully documented from multiple angles!

But Wind Or No Wind wasn't just about shredding all day long... we got a chance to see the other side of the Philippines too! Morris had a few trips organized for us with the most memorable being a trip to one of the local kite beaches where they had a System 2.0 with a flat bar and kicker set up for us just in case we didn't score any wind and our trip to Mount Isarog National Park was another highlight where we hiked to this raging waterfall with hidden caves!

As the week was coming to an end we knew something big going to happen to shut this event down and once again WONW stepped it up and threw a massive closing party complete with fireworks, L-Ray dancers putting on an amazing show, pig roast dinner, and another night of DJ Paul dropping beats late into the night at the Happy Ending bar after the awards ceremonies!

During the awards I was super surprised to hear my name? Morris called me up and handed me the "Best Attitude" award! SO STOKED! Being able to come to this event with all the top riders in the sport was crazy enough but winning that award and having it presented to me by the "Godfather" of wakestyle kiteboarding was unbelievable! Brandon Scheid fellow Liquid Force Team Rider and travel partner for the winter took down 1'st place on the cable and 3'rd on the kite! Amped for him cause he's been straight up murdering the rails and is one of the hardest working riders out there! Nice to see him take a first home for NA and LF! Aaron Hadlow and Sam Light held it down for the UK! Aaron took 2'nd on the cable and 1'st on the kite while Sam Light grabbed a 2'nd on the kite and 3'rd on cable! Big ups to the whole crew though! Everyones riding progressed a lot and kiteboarding just got a huge boost as far as skill level from the top riders on rails and kickers!!!

Wind Or No Wind 2010 was a huge success and a lot of fun! Such a beautiful place with the best wake and kite park you could ever imagine!!! I already cant wait to come back next year to get sick on the water and chill with the crew!