Last Wednesday I rolled out to pick up Liquid Force team mate Brandon Scheid at the airport. He was in my hood for the first time and we were ready to cruise and get our shred on! We headed straight up to Sauble Beach to meet up with everybody at the Medysky cottage. Some of our other friends from Hatteras were down... the LTR crew, consisting of Eric Rienstra, BCS, Evan Netsch, Claire Lutz and Chuck the man behind LTR Productions!

We woke up Thursday morning at the Medysky cottage right on the beach! We were all itching to get on the water but the wind looked kinda sketch and the locals boys were saying it wasn't worth the drive to the local flat water spot Oliphant! Brandon had never seen the spot though so we thought we'd take a quick 10 minute drive over to "Oli." They were right. The wind was pretty light but we hung out for a bit watching people try to kite with a few other locals that were chillin on the beach. Luckily the wind came up enough and we pumped up a 12m Envy and a 13m HiFi Comp! Everybody else was on huge kites and foils and they couldn't believe we were able to throw down in boots with such light wind. You wouldn't call it an epic session but we had fun and it was time on the water!

The next day was the first day of the Sauble Beach Kite Jam! This was the first year for the event organized by Sam and Dan Medysky! We woke up and took the 20 minute drive to next town over where LF had sent us a bunch of promo stuff to the local dealer. Now we had a tent to toss up at the event site! LF represent! 2011 Envy's were on demo as well as the new LFX and Contact board, Synergy CT and U2 boots and the new Luxury and Comp harnesses! Everyone thought the stuff was sick! I still cant believe how good the new Envy is! Now that everything was setup... light wind of course, it seems to be a trend for kiteboarding events.
We did have enough to buggy though! Although it looks pretty kooky, riding in a buggy and blasting down the beach with a 12m Envy doing mega powerslides is about as much fun as you could ever ask for in 8-10 knots! So no kiteboarding today but lots of buggying and a few refreshments here and there!

Saturday morning we woke up to again another day of no wind activities. People were at the LF tent checking out the new gear and Brandon and I got our tech on!

By the afternoon it looks like kiteboarding was canceled for the day and we pulled out the ski to run the "sliders" portion of the contest on the Kite Jam slider park! There was the Dakine up box, the Chenzo up, flat, the Best up, flat and a huge kicker! Everybody got 1 warm up run, then 3 park laps. I hadn't hit any sliders since Hatteras in early June so I was feeling a bit rusty but by the 3'rd run through the park I finally had some solid hits! Too bad the third run was the my last lap and I didn't really get to put my run together... oh well that's how it goes.

Brandon staright up beasted on the Kite Jam park though and took 1'st place for the LF crew! BAM! Behind him was the other Hatteras boys in 2nd Eric Rienstra and in 3rd BCS showing that the Hatty boys got there slider skills locked down! That night the band got rained out at the main stage so we headed out to one of the local bars and tore it up!

Sunday morning was a slow start but by the time we got to the beach in the morning it was blowing just over 10 knots and there was 50 + kites on the beach. By noon the wind was coming up and those kites were on the water and there was easily another 150 + people on the beach watching! We didn't get enough wind to run the freestyle heats but we still had a fun session! I was riding the wakeskate all afternoon and scored some pretty sick photos with John Bryja and David G Tran from SBC Kiteboard Magazine! Brandon was stalling on this fence and post that went out into the water and I'm sure got some bangers as well!

After the final word we took down the LF tent and were packing up when the wind started to get stronger. The decision was made and the crew headed out to North Oliphant for one last session in the Bruce Peninsula! We kited over 3 km offshore to these uninhabited rock islands that offered up beautiful rock slicks and clear blue water! We kited out there for a couple hours then headed in hoping the wind would hold for us to make it back to land! The spot were pretty sure has never been kited before and was coined "Steinbag Cove." I wont forget this session for a long time! Everybody throwing down in the middle of nowhere with MAJOR consequences if you broke down! Fun times!

After we all packed up we toured back to the Medysky's cottage and made the decision to dip out that night and head south from Sauble Beach to my home spot in Long Point for some favorable SW conditions! BCS came along with Chuck from LTR productions and David G Tran! On Monday morning we woke up at my place just outside of Turkey Point and headed out to the slicks on Long Point! Loaded up my little 14ft aluminum boat with all our gear took the quick 5 minute ride out to the west slick!

It was pretty sick rollin' up to my home spot with these guys because other than Tran nobody else had ever seen this place. We had it all to ourselves and when we got out the reeds were bending over! We knew we were going to get the goods today! Chuck and Tran fired up their cameras and we pumped our kites! It was on! Pretty stoked we scored a solid session here with two of the best wakestyle riders in the world... can't wait to see the footage to come out of it! After we were done we all headed back to my place to relax and figure out our plan for the next day.

The wind was looking okay but the new Sesitec System 2.0 in Sarnia always has perfect conditions... but Tran had to head back to Toronto and Charlie and BCS back to Hatteras via Maine. Too bad everybody to leave because the next day Brandon, my girlfriend Tahnee and I took the 2 hour drive North to Sarnia to check out the new System 2.0! They had put in a new 6 inch wide A- Frame with a super legit ollie on in and they also had the Metlab up, flat box set up! 2.0's are so much fun if you haven't tried one yet you really need to! Hit after hit on the rails and we even started getting some air tricks down too! To bad it was getting dark out by the time we arrived and we didn't have any flashes... Thanks to the boys over at Boarder Pass for hooking up the session and letting us ride until we could barely see the sliders! Super fun night, I'll definitely be going back soon!

What a week! Who would have thought with all theses crazy sessions that we were cruisin in Ontario? It was a lot of fun having the Hatteras crew here since we spend so much time down there on the island! Hopefully next year everyone will come back to shred, chill and party and hopefully more people will come to check out KiteJam and all Ontario has to offer!
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