It's been a little bit since I last updated my blog. Sam and Mary Medesky picked Tahnee Pierog and myself up at the Norfolk airport and the 2 hour drive to the island was on... Since the minute we arrived on Hatteras we've been crazy busy! Catching up with old friends we haven't seen since last season and riding a lot! Some people get bored quick on Hatteras Island but if your open to trying other things rather then just kiting there is always something to do! If we're not kiting, were skating the ramp, surfing or like the last three windless days we've been towing into the Big John Wayne Slider on the REAL jet-skis!

In the past week we've had epic 8m sessions in the REAL Slick with the SW cranking 30+, an amazing downwinder to the inlet though some super fun slicks, skate sessions in Sleezy's Bowl and some gnarly hits on the 80 foot Big John Wayne Slider! If you haven't seen the Big John Wayne yet it's the most legit rail I've ever seen in my life, fabricated by the famous Pat Panikos and The Projects Slider Crew! It's an 80 foot long, 6 foot tall, up, flat, down with a removable flat section to gap, completely made out of HDPE which gives you the smoothest slide possible! This slider is sick and I've been drooling over getting some hits on it since they premiered it at last years world renowned SSS Kite Competion held here at the REAL Complex.

This past Sunday was the day! We got the permission to pull it out and I was really suprised how easy a single jet ski could pull this monster out. We anchored the beast and it was on! As excited as I was before, now I was a little scared, this thing is intimidating... I've never hit anything close to this size before and being towed in with a jet-ski rather than a kite was another new thing for me so I definitely had some butterflies. The crew was getting some solid hits though and it got me amped to hit it for sure. Evans, BCS, Baines, Medesky and Reinstra were charging! I was finally up and took a couple safety runs by it checking it out from water level... looked HUGE as I rode by! Next pass by I commited to it and boardslid the whole thing! BAM it was over, my heart was pumping and I was stoked! It was a lot mellower than I thought and after a few more hits I was getting some nice presses and a frontside 3 across it!

The Big John Wayne was so much! After that session everybody stoke level was so high and we all talked about pulling it out again the next day but I was thinking there was a small chance of that happening... but it did and then again the day after as well! 3 killer days of slider riding with friends in the backyard at REAL, couldn't ask for anything more on 3 straight days with no wind.

Today though the wind is back on and there is no sign of stopping it for the next week or so! Today were going to go hit up a surf session at the Lighthouse then head over to Kite Point for a flatwater session. Tomorrow it swings back around SW so the slick will be going off and hopefully so will the crew!